Tuesday, June 18, 2013

At a stall:(

So for the 16&17th I weighed exactly the same, and this morning the scale said I only lost 2 ounces. I think it is due to retaining water since I had my TOM last week, and some spotting for a few days after. I know for a fact I have not eaten anything I wasn't supposed to, so I decided to do an apple day today and see if that helps. An apple day is where you eat nothing but 6 apples from lunchtime on, and only drink water, but not very much water. I at my first apple at 11:30 and as of 4 pm I have had 2 more. Wish me luck with mr. scale tomorrow morning!!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Trying different recipes with the same foods

I know the food that is allowed on this diet gets really boring, but I have been trying new ways to spice it up a little. Tonight I took my melba toast and crushed it to make a stuffingish texture. I added a little lemon juice and some spices, then coated some scallops with it. I baked it in foil, and it was ahhmazing.  I had some steamed asparagus and strawberries with it. Anyone have other creative recipes they want to share?

The beginning

My name is Kelly Murphy. I am happily married with 6 children, yours, mine, and ours. My husband and I live in Indianapolis,Indiana with 3 of our 6 children. Hubby is a truck driver, and he is usually home 2 days a week. I own a small business, and attend College online. All of my life I have struggled with my weight. I weighed 170 in High School, and after having my first child at the age of 19 my weight really started to go up. I have tried many diets and often lost weight but it always seemed to creep back up due to my issues with depression. I was a comfort eater. In April I met a woman who had lost 90 pounds and kept it off for over a year. I bombarded her with questions and this is how I got introduced to the HCG diet. I did tons of research on the diet and decided this was for me. I went to see my doctor because I wanted to make sure the diet was safe considering I have several health issues which I have to say are all due to the fact that I am morbidly obese. She let me know she supported me and the only downside she saw was the fact that the hormone would cause any abnormal cells in my body to grow, including cancer cells. I took this information and thought long and hard about the cancer issue. My Father is currently suffering from Kidney and Lung cancer. This is how I looked at it. Being obese is going to kill me sooner or later, and if I get healthy I have a better chance of fighting cancer if I end up having it. I started my HCG journey on May 20, 2013 weighing in at 302 pounds. I did my 2 fat loading days, and on the first day of my 500 calorie diet I weighed in at 306.2. With this diet you have to weigh yourself everyday. The weight was coming off!! As of today 6/14/2013 I weigh 279.4. I feel so much better, and even my kids say I look better.